CEOs, military leaders and policymakers will meet in Washington DC tomorrow to learn, discuss and formulate solutions to address the intensifying threats posed by our country’s dependence on oil.
Ener1 CEO Charles Gassenheimer will speak on a panel entitled, “Perspectives on Consumer Demand for Electrification,” along with Arun Banskota, president, NRG EV Services; David Sandalow, assistant secretary for policy and international affairs, US Department of Energy; Steven Heller, executive chairman, CODA Automotive; and, John Spirtos, CEO, GridPoint, Inc.
The panel will be moderated by Seth Fletcher, senior editor of Popular Science magazine. The 90-minute panel discussion will focus on topics from building consumer awareness and driving adoption to technical points, such as driving range, charging time and battery costs, as well as the value of government support and incentives. Click here for more information.